These members have met the strict AIOBP standard of excellence for accredited training or coaching programs. Accredited Enterprise Membership allows members to qualify, certify, and credential trainers or coaches in their accredited training or coaching processes, curriculum’s, methodologies or disciplines.
Accredited Enterprise Members are supported by the AIOBP to credential trainers or coaches in the international standard of psychology based training and coaching, by providing online testing to complement their certification process.
Accredited Enterprise Members are highlighted and endorsed by the AIOBP as world class providers, meeting the highest standard in psychology based training or coaching. They are allowed to use the AIOBP logo in all communication relating to their accredited process, curriculum, methodology or discipline.
Accredited Enterprise Members appear in the AIOBP accredited training/coaching provider database as a premier service provider. This allows potential trainers, coaches and clients to verify your accredited training or coaching methodology or curriculum and the validity of your credentials and/or certifications.
Accredited Enterprise Members will appear in the AIOBP accredited disciplines section with a full webpage dedicated to your organization and your discipline or curriculum including back links to your own website.
Accredited Enterprise Members’ methodologies or curriculums will be regularly highlighted in AIOBP reports and the AIOBP journal including a description of successes, case studies, and the benefits it produces in individuals and organizations.
Accredited Enterprise Members have the right to use the AIOBP credentials, logo and name to credential or certify trainers and/or coaches, and allows them to display the AIOBP logo as part of your organization’s qualifications.
Accredited Enterprise Members training or coaching method or curriculum is endorsed by the AIOBP and is promoted by the AIOBP as meeting the highest international standards.
Trainers or coaches you certify or credential will also be eligible to receive an AIOBP certificate in addition to your organization’s certificate. They will also be eligible to join the AIOBP as Certified Professional Members.
Founders of Accredited Enterprise Member companies will be promoted as expert resources for media and press inquiries.
Accredited Enterprise Member’s organization is allowed to publish papers and articles in the AIOBP Journal.
Accredited Enterprise Members have the opportunity to get cover story coverage for their articles in the AIOBP Journal – distributed globally to HR Managers, Training Managers, Change Management Managers and Industrial Psychology Professors and professionals. AE Members are given full credit for expertise and position and describing the development and advances of your training and /or coaching methodology or curriculum and how it provides a competitive advantage.
- When a trainer or coach has successfully completed the Accredited Enterprise Member’s prerequisites on the written certification or credential test, they are allowed access to our online testing facility to finalize the credential process and provide an official record of standing with AIOBP. The certification test is timed and created by the Accredited Enterprise Member in accordance with the AIOBP accreditation criteria that they qualified for.
- To become a Accredited Enterprise Member, organizations must have an AIOBP accredited methodology or curriculum and have completed the requirements as stated in the Training / Coaching Accreditation Criteria
- Accredited Enterprise Members must be current with there AIOBP accreditation.